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Lament in The Verdant
By Marit Seng Ja Pan

Cherry blossoms kiss the spring ---
One twig by another they swing.
The splendour of the verdant
Fills with wealth --- so abundant
Where gentle breeze fondles the pool,
A poet sits like a fool!

Yonder hill of the watery west,
A couple of bird wave to nest
With weaving threads of cloud;
The creatures at dusk sing and shout.
Ah, if a dear one were near,
Neither be anxiety nor fear.

It's been days gone by,
The sweet feeling doesn't occupy;
Tries after tries, again days gone by.
The fate doesn't chair
Us all hopes to dash and despair
With weary dread and fears
For many months and years
Under the role of satanic junta.
The people with hunger and tears ---
For they are children, limbs, widows and orphans;
Once they were so beautiful with mirth and hilarity,
Now they are fallen into bondage, raped, tortured and killed;
The echoes of throes hover amid her people.
Lament cries day and night
With lachrymous moan they groan
Until their skin are as hot as an oven,
And their throats are broken into whisper;
Alas, no one to comfort them!


The splendour of the verdant is now seared with fire,
Ash into ash blows up in the welkin;
The smoke, one town by another, wreathes in wending
And smeared with innocent blood;
One rill after another they flood.

She…she was once so full of beautiful people in heaven,
She is now weak and naked with dolours;
Neither a poet nor a musician
Can compose it to an end.
The conditions… of the people,
They sit upside down and lick the boots of junta for surviving!
Oh! Still torturing the people in prison
Is raping in the hell!

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